Premium MKT
Streamline your supply chain with personalized rig inventory and approval management tools at your fingertips. Premium MKT provides a simple interface for supply chain and rig teams to manage orders, distributors, regional purchases, and approval processes.
- Ability to select lowest cost/price MRO vendor in each region. Change providers in a region if/when prices or performance become sub-standard without having to undertake an entirely new software integration project.
- Customizable approval processes based on different criteria. Reduces man-hours and overhead required to handle a given number of purchase transactions.
- Change approval process based on hours or feet drilled.
- Integration with customer’s ERP/MPR system, allowing visibility on deliveries (when, where, how).
- One consistent interface process for your rigs, despite having several different MRO providers.
- Infinite number of potential reports based on part type, region, rig group, etc. regardless of MRO or MPE vendor. No need to aggregate reports from different vendors.
Premium MKT: Your Marketplace Solution

Improve Cost
Control with Your
Supply Chain

Streamline Inventory
Manage Across
Multiple Vendors

Discover Better Supply
Chain Management

Customized Data
and Analytics